Saturday, July 30, 2011

Beouf Borguignon? Great summer food, really.

I feel like I haven't left the coast. It's rained for over three weeks in a row here in Prince George. I came back to enjoy a crisp, dry, gross, dusty, swimming in the river at night 'cause it's so hot sort of summer. Instead, I'm just re-experiencing spring in Victoria. Rainy as all hell. That's not to say I haven't been enjoying being here, I've had a great summer so far, it's just....a let down.

But I've adventured many adventures! Some culinary, some fishing related, some culinary feats with fish! But all with rain.

Last weekend saw Mitch, Jean and I taking a bike trip to Hixon. It's 60 km, and we figured for it to be about a 3-4 hour trip. We were making great time, and a lovely soft rain was keeping us cool as we passed through Stone Creek. All was going well until Mitch unfortunately got a flat tire, and all of us, in our most sincere optimistic naivety, forgot to bring a patch kit. Jess, Mitch's lovely girlfriend, came to the rescue and performed an Emergency Evac. for Mitch. Jean and I continued on alone, weakened from the short pause in the warming sun. The sun continued to warm, and Jean and I had both neglected to wear sunscreen. We managed to be out in the hottest part of the day, on the only sunny day this summer, and we both got horrible sunburns. I feel ridiculous, and am still paying the price as I type this and peel. It serves me right for not wearing any sunscreen, giving my red-haired disadvantage. But we arrived in Hixon in one piece, and enjoyed a 6 km gentle coast for the last leg of the trip. Once in town, we bought beer, burgers and other necessities, and went fishing. Overall great day.

I've also enjoyed busking so far. I've been going out to the Farmer's Market almost weekly with our dear friend Corbin. Today was a planned busking day, but given the pouring rain and a general feeling of impending doom left over from last night's drinking, I'm feeling okay about not going out so far. I really wanted to get some pocket lining for next week's big adventure: NEWFOUNDLAND!

I'm flying over on Wednesday for house hunting, and to play in the Tuckamore Music Festival. I'm really excited about the festival, but not so excited about house hunting. I hate house hunting. Another note of excitement is being reunited with Jenna, our kind Couch Surfing host, and dear friend. I will be sure to post many updates from my travels. Need to keep on the blog train, only way to do that is by updating! It'll be an exciting three weeks, so I really should keep up to date.

Anyway, until then, keep dry, where ever you are.
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