Thursday, February 01, 2007

How sweet it is...!

Big things are happening to my car this week. My tape deck is going to make an epic return. But first, I need to figure out how to re-wire it and hopefully not cause a fire or electricute myself. And tomorrow, the ol' fox is getting a new muffler system installed. I'm also planning on somehow jimmying my glove box so it will actually stay closed. This is all in careful preperation for next week.

What happens next week you ask?

(you probably didn't, but I asked so I'll endulge myself by answering my own querie which I already know the answer to)


Josh and I get to drive to Vancouver and record...!! PRETTY KEEN. But we have to take my car. And that requires fixing the tape deck, getting a new muffler ( just so it doesn't fall off during the drive or somehting of that sort) and, for the purposes of air-coefficiency (very important) and asthetics (even more important) make my glove compartment capable of being closed. I should maybe also do something about the heater, so that the fan will actually stay on. But it's probably going to be balmy in Vancouver, so it seems slightly less urgent.

Maybe I should clean the car and remove all the flower petals, gum rappers, and bottles of wine from the backseat area. All in good time I suppose....


The New Noise Thriller said...

You Are Recording!?!??!? MORE DETAILS ASAP!

Naomi said...

I dunno Cal, I'm tempted to just leave you hanging...

Andrew Kurjata said...

maybe you can get that mixtape after all....

Naomi said...

**GASP!!** If something to do with mix tapes could be arranged I would be ever so happy!

She said...

OH OH OH Do you have time for me to bus down and visit for a few hours?

Recording!!!!! WWEEEEE!

And don't forget to get your fluids checked and what not. And bring water bottles, candels, and a first aid kit in case of emergency! <3 have a good safe trip! DRIVE CAREFUL!

Naomi said...

I would love to see you when you when we're there! I think we're staying til Monday morning, and may be playing a show on Sunday night if we can, but nothing's for sure yet. Let's make some arrangements!!

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